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GTN Mobility Tax Blog

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Author Eric Loff, CPA

With more than 30 years of global tax experience, Eric serves as the President of GTN. He is known for leading by example and finding strengths in others, improving communication so all participants are engaged in a project, and serving as a bridge between a company and its expat employees. As a specialist on managing international assignment programs and the related tax, human resource, and payroll matters, he serves as a frequent speaker on global mobility topics. +1.763.252.0642 |
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COVID-19 Global Mobility Tax Resource Center

Trying to keep up with the communications, news feeds, briefings, and information related to the current global COVID-19 pandemic makes this already stressful situation even more challenging. But being “in-the-know” is necessary to ensuring your mobility program continues to run smooth and your mobile employees understand the potential impact to them while on their mobile assignments. Our team here at GTN has been monitoring global tax activity and information related to COVID-19 and we recently created a COVID-19 tax resource center to share information that may impact you, your mobility program, and your mobile employees.

Recent Articles Written by Some of GTN’s Amazing Women

International Women’s Day is recognized each year on March 8. This day celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the globe. In honor of this day, we wanted to share recent articles written by some of GTN’s amazing women.

Best Practices for Managing Your Business Traveler Program

In this mobile age, your employees are just as likely to work with clients from a desk down the hall as they are to work from different facilities halfway around the world. This makes keeping track of your organization’s business travelers a challenge—one that could potentially add complexity, costs, and risks.

5 Mobility Tax Resources You Should Download Today

Keeping up with regulations around global taxes, travel, and expatriate programs can be difficult, especially when juggling multiple other priorities. Our team of industry experts continually creates informative resources to help you navigate the tax landscape. 

In Case You Missed It: Q2 Roundup of Interesting Articles on Mobility Tax

Our team of mobility tax professionals is always looking to keep organizations updated on industry trends and regulations regarding international employees. In addition to our regularly updated blog, we put a wealth of resources at your fingertips regarding mobility tax, global equity, and business travel—including on-demand webinars, online newsletters, and downloadable guides.

We’ve put together this roundup of some of our top blog articles that we published in Q2.

When Should Your Business Bring in a Mobility Tax Consultant?

Most companies recognize that sending an employee overseas for a long-term assignment or permanent relocation can create a broad range of issues for both the employee and employer. Those companies are aware that they will likely need to provide the mobile employee with assistance in addressing such issues as visas, work permits, and travel and relocation expenses. The fact that the employee and employer are likely facing a new tax environment following the move is sometimes unknown or may even be kicked down the road to be dealt with after the other issues have been resolved.