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GTN Mobility Tax Blog

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Author Mark Tirpak, EA

Mark serves as Managing Director and has been with GTN since 2015. He has over 25 years of professional experience in advising multinational companies on global mobility related issues, including cross-border taxation, payroll, equity compensation planning, international assignment policy review, and program administration. Having been an expat himself enhanced his desire to help simplify the process for mobile employees. +1.713.244.5020 |
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Pros and Cons of Different Assignment Structures for Mobility Programs

As companies adjust to the new reality of work and reassess their mobility programs, there is an opportunity for them to examine the costs associated with running their mobility programs and explore innovative solutions. We are witnessing a renewed interest in mobility as companies seek to adopt the best structure for their business and employees. While non-traditional forms such as remote and hybrid work are becoming more prevalent, there is also renewed interest in both short and long-term assignments. 

COVID-19 Mobility Tax Checklist: Critical Tips and Considerations

As we all struggle to keep up with the impact of COVID-19, the changing rules, and the lack of guidelines, we wanted to share a few tips that have been beneficial for our clients with mobility programs. Here is a mobility tax checklist of considerations to think about as you work to determine next steps for your mobility program and your mobile employees.

Do You Need to File US Tax Returns While Working Outside the US?

It may seem counterintuitive to a US citizen or permanent resident (i.e., a green card holder) who has just taken a new international job, that most will still be required to file US federal income tax returns after relocating. In addition to filing income tax returns, mobile employees may also have other filing obligations including estate or gift tax returns, estimated tax payments, and foreign bank account reports.

The US Tax Reform Impact on Global Tax and Relocation Policy

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GTN and ME Relocation Group are teaming up to provide a thought provoking session on the new tax reform, and how it directly affects your mobility program. The event will be held on March 13, 2018 at the Houston Marriott Westchase in Houston, TX.

GTN Never Misses the RELO Direct Corporate Forum

This will be GTN’s eighth year participating in the RELO Direct Corporate Forum that will take place in Las Vegas, NV from January 30 – February 1, 2018. We have been proud sponsors and participants since its inception.