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GTN Mobility Tax Blog

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GTN's Toys For Tots Drive 2023

For the sixth year in a row, GTN is collecting toy donations for Toys For Tots for the 2023 holiday season! 

Communities throughout the US continue to face financial struggles and during the holiday season, families can feel the weight of this burden even more. To help our neighbors, we can alleviate some of this stress by sharing resources where we’re able. Together, we can support the Toys For Tots mission and ensure families across the US can provide their children with the joy of holiday gifts. 

Delivering Life-Saving Aid During Tax Busy Season

Our 10th annual Beards and Braids for Busy Season (BBFBS) campaign has begun!

Ten years ago, what began as a simple way to infuse some fun into the tax busy season has turned into an annual event to provide support for non-profit organizations around the world. To date, we have raised over $36,000 for nonprofit organizations such as, Canines for Disabled Kids, Move For Hunger, and No Kid Hungry.

Fighting Hunger During Tax Busy Season

Our annual Beards and Braids for Busy Season (BBFBS) begins now! In the campaign’s ninth year, GTN is once again partnering with Move For Hunger, a national non-profit organization that has created a sustainable way to reduce food waste and fight hunger. Our 2022 BBFBS campaign strives to make an impact on the growing hunger crisis as millions of Americans face food insecurity every day. This will be GTN’s second year partnering with Move For Hunger and our goal is to surpass last year. With your help in 2021, the BBFBS campaign was among Move For Hunger's top 10 fundraisers providing 16,277 meals to those in need! We are very excited about this year’s campaign and the continued role we can play in helping the Move For Hunger cause.

Beards & Braids for Busy Season Q&A with Move For Hunger

More than 50 million Americans face hunger every day; meanwhile, 40% of the food produced in the United States every year is wasted. Move For Hunger offers a sustainable solution to this inexcusable paradox—and we at GTN couldn’t be more excited to partner with them for our annual 2021 Beards & Braids for Busy Season campaign.

GTN’s Social Focus on Education and Philanthropic Initiatives

In December, the Washington Post asked its readers to sum up calendar year 2020 in one word or phrase. They received over 2,000 responses with exhausting, lost, and chaotic rounding out the top three. And though it was all three of these words and more, 2020 was also a year when many of us took time to reexamine what is most important, where we want to spend our time, and how much we can accomplish when we all come together and give back.

Toys for Tots Drive 2020

Despite COVID-19, remote working, and many adjustments we have all had to make in 2020, we are excited to announce that GTN is collecting toys for Toys for Tots again this year! 2020 has been difficult for many families due to COVID-19 so it is more important than ever to help spread happiness this holiday season. Help us support the Toys for Tots mission of helping to bring the joy of Christmas and to send a message of hope to America's less fortunate children.