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GTN Mobility Tax Blog

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Pros and Cons of Different Assignment Structures for Mobility Programs

As companies adjust to the new reality of work and reassess their mobility programs, there is an opportunity for them to examine the costs associated with running their mobility programs and explore innovative solutions. We are witnessing a renewed interest in mobility as companies seek to adopt the best structure for their business and employees. While non-traditional forms such as remote and hybrid work are becoming more prevalent, there is also renewed interest in both short and long-term assignments. 

What is Tax Equalization and How Does it Impact Your Mobile Employees and Your Company?

Tax equalization is a policy widely used by companies with mobile employees. At its core, tax equalization is a mechanism to ensure that an employee is neither better nor worse off financially, from a tax perspective, for having accepted an international assignment. However, there are many misconceptions about what exactly it means to be “tax equalized.” As one example, some companies will try to avoid the policy because they think it will automatically lead to high company costs and administration.

GTN’s 2022 Top 10 Resources to Help You Navigate Your Mobility Tax Challenges

As pandemic-era restrictions have lifted, there is little doubt that 2022 has been an exciting, return-to-almost-normal year for the world of global mobility. Companies are embracing this new normal, and employees are increasingly on the move as mobile work picks up momentum and businesses resume corporate travel. In fact, according to our Future of Mobility Survey conducted earlier this year, over 95% of companies have some sort of mobile workforce—be it remote workers, hybrid workers, commuters, or business travelers. And with this uptick in mobile workforces comes an increase in tax and compliance risks that companies must consider.

To keep your mobility program running smoothly, our team of experts have created an abundance of mobility tax resources for your use. Here are the top 10 most popular resources from 2022 to date. Whether you have an established mobility program, are considering new international growth, or have seen an uptick in your remote workforce, there’s a resource in this list for you.

How to Build a Business Case for Remote Work and Business Travel Services

As remote work requests continue to roll in and the future of work is one that embraces a mobile workforce, C-suite executives are pushing to offer remote work as a valuable incentive to retain and attract talent. While a drive to offer this employee incentive has already realized advantages for companies, it has also come with many challenges and compliance requirements that still need to be addressed.

Infographic: Four Steps to Managing Mobile Equity Challenges

Technology, growth in remote work, and global opportunities are empowering more and more people to take jobs across international and domestic borders. But as you award your cross-border employees with equity-based compensation, your tax compliance risk may be skyrocketing.

Luckily there are ways to navigate these mobile equity challenges while keeping your company and employees tax compliant.

Top 10 Resources to Help You Navigate the Future of Work

The definition of the “future of work,” specifically within the global mobility space, continues to evolve. And with shifting remote work trends and new developments for how and where employees work, corporations need to understand how to navigate this new landscape to ensure tax compliance and avoid unnecessary risk. For some businesses, the future of work will allow a number of employees to work from (almost) anywhere they choose. For others it may be a hybrid approach, where some employees will work in an office and others will work remotely. But no matter how you define the future of your company workforce, there will exist the need to prepare for and manage the ongoing tax risks associated with these employees.