GTN Mobility Tax Blog

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DIY Expats – Tax Support for Off Program Moves

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of self-initiated global mobility moves, where employees relocate internationally with little or no company assistance. These types of moves, often referred to as "off program" or "self-requested," present unique tax challenges for both the employees and employers involved—especially when HR managers and companies are trying to balance cost considerations with their duty of care to employees.

Questions an Employee Should Ask Before Accepting an International Assignment

An employee is likely to see an offer of an international assignment as a vote of confidence from an employer and an opportunity for career advancement. However, there are a number of questions the mobile employee should ask of his or her employer prior to accepting the international assignment, especially when it comes to questions related to regulatory requirements (e.g., immigration, tax compliance) and compensation and benefits issues in both the employee’s Home and Host countries.

Are Your Global Employees Tax Compliant?

Improvements in technology have made it easier than ever for companies to account for employees operating in overseas locations. The reduction in technological barriers has also made it possible for businesses to take advantage of a telecommuting workforce, located in both their Home country and overseas. The convergence of the two trends has resulted in an increasing number of companies discovering that they must now address the tax and payroll compliance issues that result from employees operating outside of their Home country.